Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My 1st day at DESK!

Breaking away from who you think you are is often an interesting road to tread on!  I myself wouldn’t have ever thought id be writing a blog or even pick up a pen after my college exams provided I was filling a FLIGHT PLAN for an airline I just joined(god knows when will that happen). But considering the amount of free time I have on my hands after my exams were over, I have decided to use it for something better than Facebook.

‘Madness is like Gravity, all you need is a little push’ said the Joker from Batman and I couldn’t agree more with him. Spending hours sitting idle is the worst punishment one can have! The little push generally required for the madness to set in is often given by an idle mind which is more or less a devils workshop! I have been attending college for the past one year to get my graduation done and that I feel somehow the biggest favor I could do for myself. It has kept me busy in the recession time for entry level pilots like me and I couldn’t ask for more. Apart from this it has also helped me gain knowledge about the things I already knew while I was studying for the Stupid DGCA exams! But what’s the point if I already knew right?? I was still happy cuz I wasn’t wasting my time and yes getting a degree is a step towards the real goal!

 I read once ‘ Knowledge cannot be taken away from anyone except by obsolescence.’ Other than that line I also agree to all study and no play makes jack a nerdy boy! Which aint good! When I say about gaining knowledge I don’t mean reading books and getting good marks in your exams. My sister would always point out that once formal education is done, it is all about gaining value as a person. No formal education is going to teach you things not to say to a woman when she is moody(how often does that happen?!?!?) and things to do to make her feel better! Yup having a rough idea of handling the most complex people (READ AS – GIRLS) in the world will help you go miles believe me!

I wish I could have caught the READING bug earlier because I think it is one of the most interesting hobbies one can have. Even if I it did bite me a year back I have just read through almost 2 books till now. Well I say almost because I haven’t been able to finish reading WINGS OF FIRE – an autobiography of APJ Abdul Kalam. It has been one of the best reads and I do strongly recommend it to one and all! This book has broadened my horizons and has opened doors to different points of view to look at one’s life!

OKAY so this was my first ever serious blog post and I apologize seriously if It has been a waste of your time while you were reading this. Though I do know I will get better with time! So keep following this space for more free falls! I would like to end my continuous blabbering by quoting something from WINGS OF FIRE which is kind of the gist of why I am this blog in the 1st place!

For all your days prepare,
And meet them ever alike
When you are the anvil, bear
When you are the Hammer, strike!


  1. hey there...!
    congrats on the least u got something to do....

  2. oyee..... u write really well re... really nice..!!

  3. Poyi! *pat pat on back*
    Very well written... and I think someone already mentioned this (possibly on FB)- that it encompasses some of the things/issues dearest to you! :D
    I hope you really take it forth - hope to get everything from cricket/football-match reviews, to aircraft and flying, to your gyaan on keeping all your wimmin happy;), and of course, the food...
    Long live, the quill and the scroll! :D

  4. Good, Beta, atlast u realised that u r wasting time on FB. I know u can do it very well. What u need is a littile PUSH. Good Luck. Love u a looooooooooooot. U r really very loving.I Always feel that i am very special mom with u and Tai.

  5. awesome... love it.. m happy i left wings of fire wid u... its doing gud... :)

  6. Vairy Naice.. I laike!!
    Good one bro.. Keep it up!!

  7. yea geet! destiny wantd tht book to b wid me :D

  8. happy piloting in the blogosphere!!

  9. congrats for your 1st post....

    Welcome to blogosphere..Hope you enjoy the ride :)

  10. thank you @ magiceye and @ Lazy Pineapple :)

  11. I have also read that book. It is an eye-opener.
    Work From Home India
