Thursday, April 29, 2010


It is weird if you think how listening to a few minutes of audible sounds can be such major part of our everyday lives. I’m not talking about the constant scolding a parent bestow on its child almost everyday for no matter what reason it might be. Nor am I talking about the constant car honks and fights you get to hear often (very often) when one belongs to city like MUMBAI or any major city all around the world. What I think is weird is how a dynamic mixture of simple things like melody, rhythm and harmony can elevate our moods and reduce stress and pain (often emotional) levels. Belonging to a city which yells ‘dream BIG, achieve BIGGER’, MUSIC can often prove to be a good driving force.

Talking about Mumbai and music I did edit the lyrics of a song sung by RAP MOGUL ‘JAY Z and ALICIA KEYS – Empire State of mind’ which was actually based on the BIG APPLE. Its unbelievable how much NY and MUMBAI are similar to each other when it comes to dreams and aspirations. A simple swap of words in the lyrics of this song based on the Best City in US of A made it apt for the Best City in India. Here’s how it goes: -

Grew up in a town
That is famous as the place of movie scenes
Noise is always loud
there are sirens all around and the streets are mean….

If i can make it here
I can make it anywhere, that’s what they say
seeing my face in lights
even if it ain't all it seems
i got a pocketful of dreams
Baby im from MUMBAi

Concrete jungle where dreams are made of
there's nothin you cant do
now you're in MUMBAI

These streets will make you feel brand new
Big lights will inspire you

MUSIC and MUMBAI have and will always be a big part of my life! And I owe a lot to these two ‘M’s to show me what life is and what it can be! Other than these two, the other M in my life would be my MOM and my elder sis MEETA! I know I would be not even close to portray my thoughts in front of you if it wasn’t for them. I owe my entire life to them! I hope I never let you down miladies.

A note of Appreciation to all those who have commented and critiqued the pervious posts. If it wasn’t for these comments I wouldn’t be writing more! So keep reading and commenting!

Oh yea i luv M&Ms too ;)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

POYA 101!!!

For all who do or don’t know me, here is a recap ---

I, as you know am more likely to respond to the call of ‘POYA’ than my (original, but dying) name Abhishek. The origins of this name are unknown but who ever did call me that for the 1st time,will have an account to settle with me. I figured ‘POYA’ was coined during my never-ending School days since that was the only name my buddies knew of me. But ‘POYA’ reached its unprecedented glory during my ground and flight training days. I don’t blame the friends for it but the number of overwhelming ABHISHEKs present all around me! Oh well who cares I like the name myself but not so much when called by the fairer sex! It is annoying when u hear it said by the girl who you have a CRUSH on :( !!

Having figured out the uniqueness and importance of my name, moving on with life in general--
I found myself packing my bags a week after the HSC board exams! Before the examinations I was dreaming of a loooong Vacation far from treacherous books but.. haha! destiny has a weird sense of humour. I decided to join UNITED AVIATION and was on my way to Delhi at the hottest time of the year! I thought I would get my long awaited vacation around 6 months after my Boards but that was not to happen. I found myself Fresh of the Boat when I landed for the 1st time on international waters! It was LA, the BOLLYWOOD of US of A where I was waiting for a connecting flight to Phoenix, Arizona, again the hottest state in the US of A. I was 17 when I reached the US but only to return back as an adult of 19 years and it felt like i lived a lifetime there and it was too short, a beautiful dream. Having met a lot of people during this time has surely made me understand myself even more. I have met my bestest friends while I was in the US n I will always cherish those memories as I continue to build more memorable ones!

Apart from the stay in the US which shaped me to what I am,the following things are what you will notice when you meet/talk to me:
1) I <3 MUMBAI.(BEST CITY IN THE WHOLE DAMN WORLD… Believe me I will give u a run for your money if you try to debate me on it)

2) I <3 everything edible. (DOESN’T MEAN I EAT ANYTHING!!! Im a foodie n well I only eat what I like :P )

3) I respect women and am extremely chivalrous ;) ( I AM NOT KIDDING I WILL HOLD A GRUDGE IF YOU DON’T TREAT A WOMAN RIGHT)

4) I <3 Music and you would rarely find me without my ITOUCH! (Music is my Savior)

5) I like to keep my feelings to myself unless I find myself talking to a complete stranger. (God know why is it like that! I bet this is sum kind of disorder!)

6) I <3 Flying. (I am an unemployed PILOT! I guess I will say that till the time I actually start flying commercial :P )

7) I <3 Football or rather any physical activity involving balls! (Do not over think you perverted minds)

8) I <3 to crib though its something I don’t like about me. (Did I just crib about me cribbing?!?!)

Believe me if I sit and write the things which make me whole person, I don’t think one can actually enlist all of the things that shape the entire individual. So I shall leave it to my future and past posts to tell you who I really am!

P.S. – Sorry to all my 7 Followers till now :P for not posting stuff soon! It was a crazy time since I posted last… will tell you bout it more l8r! but don’t worry expect the next one soon 

I am trying to spice up my blogspot page with more cool pics n vids! Hopefully it should be done before I post the next one.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My 1st day at DESK!

Breaking away from who you think you are is often an interesting road to tread on!  I myself wouldn’t have ever thought id be writing a blog or even pick up a pen after my college exams provided I was filling a FLIGHT PLAN for an airline I just joined(god knows when will that happen). But considering the amount of free time I have on my hands after my exams were over, I have decided to use it for something better than Facebook.

‘Madness is like Gravity, all you need is a little push’ said the Joker from Batman and I couldn’t agree more with him. Spending hours sitting idle is the worst punishment one can have! The little push generally required for the madness to set in is often given by an idle mind which is more or less a devils workshop! I have been attending college for the past one year to get my graduation done and that I feel somehow the biggest favor I could do for myself. It has kept me busy in the recession time for entry level pilots like me and I couldn’t ask for more. Apart from this it has also helped me gain knowledge about the things I already knew while I was studying for the Stupid DGCA exams! But what’s the point if I already knew right?? I was still happy cuz I wasn’t wasting my time and yes getting a degree is a step towards the real goal!

 I read once ‘ Knowledge cannot be taken away from anyone except by obsolescence.’ Other than that line I also agree to all study and no play makes jack a nerdy boy! Which aint good! When I say about gaining knowledge I don’t mean reading books and getting good marks in your exams. My sister would always point out that once formal education is done, it is all about gaining value as a person. No formal education is going to teach you things not to say to a woman when she is moody(how often does that happen?!?!?) and things to do to make her feel better! Yup having a rough idea of handling the most complex people (READ AS – GIRLS) in the world will help you go miles believe me!

I wish I could have caught the READING bug earlier because I think it is one of the most interesting hobbies one can have. Even if I it did bite me a year back I have just read through almost 2 books till now. Well I say almost because I haven’t been able to finish reading WINGS OF FIRE – an autobiography of APJ Abdul Kalam. It has been one of the best reads and I do strongly recommend it to one and all! This book has broadened my horizons and has opened doors to different points of view to look at one’s life!

OKAY so this was my first ever serious blog post and I apologize seriously if It has been a waste of your time while you were reading this. Though I do know I will get better with time! So keep following this space for more free falls! I would like to end my continuous blabbering by quoting something from WINGS OF FIRE which is kind of the gist of why I am this blog in the 1st place!

For all your days prepare,
And meet them ever alike
When you are the anvil, bear
When you are the Hammer, strike!